in Mong Kok
About 17 results. 旺角 - Florihana 香港代理
Room 1703, Omega Plaza, 32 Dundas Street, Mong Kok, 12345 Kowloon, Hong KongPremium關於OGREEN.HK 健康商店 Florihana 香港及澳門代理 - 專營 Florihana 產品系列, 包括 : 花水, 精油, 基底油及護膚品
+medispa 醫學美容中心
旺角彌敦道625號, x Mong Kok, Hong Kong+medispa 激光脫毛及祛斑中心,10年來以心比心, 以客為尊的服務精神 .匯聚世界級頂尖醫學美容儀器.包括皇牌激光去斑,激光永久脫毛,醫學抗皺,修身塑形等療程.
Apogeeweb Electronic
Fa Yuen Str. Mongkok Kownloon HongKong, 518000 Hong Kong, ChinaElectronic component distributor
EverKeen Medical Centre - Dr Chan Kwin Wah, Lisa
G/F, 16A Waterloo Road, 0000 Yau Ma Tei, Hong Kong G/F, 26-36 King’s Road, Tin Hau, Hong KongBachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Master of Science in Practical Dermatology, Cardiff University Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Dermatology, Quee…
Inmedia Design Ltd
Unit A3, 7/F, Fuk On Ft Bldg, 1123 Canton Rd., Mongkok, 852 Hong Kong, Hong KongInmedia Design Ltd has one-stop cross-platform services. Established in 2000, we offer creative ideas and concept consultancy, including branding design, booklet design, poster design, leaflet de…
九龍旺角廣東道1123號福安工業大廈7樓A4室, 000 旺角, Hong KongINPRO SHOP為網上一站式製作服務平台,致力將製作過程專業化,同時亦提供更方便快捷的落單方式,為顧客帶來更暢順的購物體驗。
Rollwalk Limited
Unit 1406A 14/F The Belgian Bank Bldgnos, 721-725 Mong Kok, Hong KongUnleash Adventure: Electric Roller Skates by Rollwalk - Experience the Thrill of Effortless
Tsar Bomba
LANDWIN INDUSTRIAL CO., LIMITED RM 1202,12/F TUNG CHUN COMM CTR 438-444, 999077 HONGKONG, Hong KongTsarbomba is a hub for luxury watches that make you look stylish, with non-fading materials that are easy and comfortable to wear. Our luxury watches for men are among the finest in the world. We…
Construction Toy With Light
D2, 999077 Hong Kong, Hong KongLiteUpBlock company offers LED lighting kit, LEGO light brick and accessaries, Lego MOC parts and construction toy in Hong Kong at reliable prices for your kids . Our all Brickbooster LED Lightin…
防火門 | 防火玻璃門 | 防火工程 - 思維防火建材
G/F, 119 TAI NAN STREET, PRINCE EDWARD, 852 HONG KONG, Hong Kong思維防火建材位于香港太平的大南街119號地鋪,東涌為客戶批發各種的防火門、防火玻璃門以及專業提供防火工程服務。他們的銷售團隊有豐富的經驗來滿足客戶對於防火技術,質量,防火素材和系統的需求,並提供有關環保防火材料的具體建議和團隊支持。他們的口碑在業界極具知名度,其技術知識及優質的服務使他們優勝的同行。
Kwok Wah Tyre & Motoring Accessories Co. 國華膠輪汽車用品
Sai Yeung Choi Street North, Mong Kok, Hong KongNeed professional advice on tyres & rims? For pricing enquiry, please email us at or contact us at (+852)23804092
Alcao Metal Corp. Limtd
ROOM 01, 21/F, PROSPER COMMERCIAL BUILDING, 9 YIN CHONG STREET, KOWLOON, H.K, 999077 HongKong, Hong KongAlcao Metal Corp. Limtd is an international manufacturing and distribution company located in Hong Kong. They specialize in producing high-end metal parts and components for machinery, automobile…
21/F, Kowloon Road, 555 Nathan Road Kowloon, Hong Kong, 518007 Kowloon, Hong KongApexhealthtech is a healthcare technology company based in Hong Kong. Their mission is to make healthcare more accessible, affordable, and practical. They provide a suite of medical solutions tai…
Little Duck Dance and Arts Academy 小鴨子舞蹈藝術學院
旺角太子道西192號1樓/長沙灣東京街31號恆邦商業中心202室, 12345 Hong Kong, Hong Kong提倡愉快學習,讓小孩子在沉重功課中能動動身體,建立自信心和懂得回饋社會。國際証書,公開表演。自設國際認可考試場地。 Let's move! 電話:60346998 網站
Hong Kong Play Therapy and Counselling Centre Limited
九龍油麻地彌敦道518-520號彌敦行9樓C室, N/A Yau Ma Tei, Hong Kong遊戲、遊戲治療、個人輔導、親子輔導、家庭輔導
Ivan Chan Photography
Unit 106, 1/F, Hang Cheong Centre, 138 Bedford Road, Tai Kok Tsui, 00852 Kowloon, Hong KongA Creative Photographer based in Hong Kong.
Lee Kin Driving School
Level 10, Sino Centre, 582 Nathan Road, 0000 Mong Kok, Hong Kong教授各類型車輛 換領中國車牌 扣減3分駕駛改進課程 Tel: 9022 6699