in 九龍
About 97 results.
Hong Kong Play Therapy and Counselling Centre Limited
九龍油麻地彌敦道518-520號彌敦行9樓C室, N/A Yau Ma Tei, Hong Kong遊戲、遊戲治療、個人輔導、親子輔導、家庭輔導
九龍長沙灣道788號羅氏商業廣場9樓910室, 00000 九龍, Hong Kong提供專業並關懷的輔導服務,帶著愛心去關懷每一位有需要的朋友,讓他們獲得最適切的幫助及關懷以解決面前的困難。
Pneumoconiosis Mutual Aid Association
香港九龍深水埗南昌邨昌安樓1-4號, 852 Sham Shui Po, Hong Kong1992年,由一群肺塵病人及家屬們成立的互助組織,為香港註冊的非牟利團體。 一直關注及推動肺塵病預防、消除大眾對肺塵病的誤解及病友社區照顧及復康
呼吸微笑身心正念中心 Breathe and Smile Mindbody Wellbeing Center
Rm A, 6/F, Happy Centre, 178-184 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Sham Shui Po, 852 Kowloon, Hong Kong「呼吸微笑身心正念中心」是由「梅村香港基金會」成立之獨立社會服務機構。本中心結合一行禪師及梅村傳承的正念修習於專業及臨床服務中,提倡正念生活及療癒的藝術。
Ivan Chan Photography
Unit 106, 1/F, Hang Cheong Centre, 138 Bedford Road, Tai Kok Tsui, 00852 Kowloon, Hong KongA Creative Photographer based in Hong Kong.
Shop 22 and 28, G/F, Far East Mansion Arcade, 5-6 Middle Road, 00000 Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong KongShop 22 and 28, G/F, Far East Mansion Arcade, 5-6 Middle Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong
Infin Media :: Web design Hong Kong, interactive game/kiosk design agency, AV hardware
Flat B, 8/F, 109 How Ming Street, NA Kwun Tong, Hong KongInfin Media is a DESIGN, MARKETING and INTERACTIVE agency located in HK. Feel free to check our site for more information.
Dr Pang Ka Hung Peter, Neurosurgeon, The Hong Kong Brain & Spine, Stroke & Pain Consultant Clinic
Unit 1107, Grand Centre, 8 Humphreys Avenue, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, 999077 Kowloon, Hong KongNeurosurgeon Specialized in Brain, Spine, Stroke, Pain concerning central and peripheral nervous system 腦神經外科顧問醫生, 專科治療腦、脊柱、中風、痛症等中樞神經及周邊神經症狀
Kahn Tailor
Mody Road 75, 0000 Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong KongKahn Tailor is an established name in the tailoring sector with over two decades of experience in providing quality services. The company makes custom tailored suits and shirts, as well as repair…
Marx International Ltd. | Branded Perfumes & Cosmetics Wholesale Hong Kong
To Kwa Wan Road 94, To Kwa Wan, Hong KongFragrances, Perfumes, Cosmetics, Toiletries, Luxury Goods, Watches, Handbags, Sunglasses, Accessories. (wholesale & retail).
Datar Consultants & Services Limited. 大 運 顧 問 服 務 有 限 公 司
Hart Avenue, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong KongDatar Consultants & Services Limited is a leading provider of professional services in Hart Avenue, Tsim Sha Tsui, HK. Their services span across the real estate market, providing commercial agen…
Pomade Brothers Ltd
Castle Peak Road 479, Lai Chi Kok, Hong Kong男士理髮用品 Men's grooming & barber supply shop in Hong Kong. 主理人以從事理髮店Barbershop的經驗,提供barbering理髮資訊,正確使用髮油及產品試用,選購合適自己的造型護理產品。
Kahn Tailor
Mody Road, 0000 kOWLOON, Hong KongKahn Tailor is a premier custom clothing company located in Kowloon, Hong Kong. Their experienced tailors specialize in crafting custom suits, tuxedos, sport coats, handmade shirting, and accesso…
NextBuy Limited
荔枝角, 香港 Lai Chi Kok, Hong Kong我地為大家搜羅全球潮流產品, 俾大家以優惠價錢買到心頭好。 記住LIKE我地嘅專頁, 留意我地嘅最新動態, 包你每日有驚喜!!!
MacWin Technology - Computer, Macbook, iMac, Laptop Repair HK
Imperial Bldg, 54-66 Canton Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong KongMacWin Technology is the most trusted & well known Apple mac repair company of Hong Kong providing support for Macbook, iPad, iPhone, iPod, iMac, Mac air.
香港汽車用品店 HK Car Product
葵昌路50號, Kwai Chung, Hong Kong更多.更平.更貼心 更多 - 盡力搜羅好用高質素既汽車美容用品 更平 - 盡力低成本化令售價係我地能力範圍之內更平 更貼心 - 唔識用唔明白歡迎黎我地店問清楚,有不少產品更加有獨門貓紙
G/F., 33 Wong Chuk Street, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon., Sham Shui Po, Hong Kong首頁 – The One Car Audio - 音色天下汽車音響 | The Car Audio Specialists
Kwok Wah Tyre & Motoring Accessories Co. 國華膠輪汽車用品
Sai Yeung Choi Street North, Mong Kok, Hong KongNeed professional advice on tyres & rims? For pricing enquiry, please email us at or contact us at (+852)23804092
Alcao Metal Corp. Limtd
ROOM 01, 21/F, PROSPER COMMERCIAL BUILDING, 9 YIN CHONG STREET, KOWLOON, H.K, 999077 HongKong, Hong KongAlcao Metal Corp. Limtd is an international manufacturing and distribution company located in Hong Kong. They specialize in producing high-end metal parts and components for machinery, automobile…
Lei Muk Road 32-50, Kwai Chung, Hong KongA Hong Kong-based digital print shop specialises in customised, on-demand items - print t-shirt, print tote & embroidery. 香港製造,燙畫、印T恤印袋、團體制服、繡花專門店
Jingzhou Shunhui Auto Parts Co., LTD
No.48, Jiuyang Avenue, Cheung Sha Wan, Hong KongJingzhou Shunhui Auto Parts Co., LTD is a Hong Kong-based auto parts manufacturing company with extensive knowledge and expertise in the auto parts industry. Founded in 1995, they specialize in t…