Produk dari perusahaan Sedot WC Jogja Teknika
Penawaran dari Sedot WC Jogja Teknika
Jasa sedot WC mampet Jogja
The WC Suction Tank Service Car is a service for cleaning fecal waste in a full septic tank. The suction of the septic tank is drained at least once a year, so that the fecal sludge deposits in the pipeline do not harden. toilet drains are always clean and the sewage disposal process is always smooth, as well as keeping the home environment healthy, clean and safe.
Lihat penawaran Diterbitkan: 18 Maret 2023, 21.31Jasa Sedot WC Mampet Jogja
Mobil Tanki Jasa Sedot WC merupakan layanan pembersih limbah kotoran tinja pada septitank penuh, Penyedotan septitank dikuras minimal 1 tahun sekali, agar endapan lumpur tinja pada saluran pipa tidak mengeras. saluran air toilet selalu bersih dan proses pembuangan kotoran senantiasa lancar, serta menjaga agar lingkungan dirumah sehat, bersih dan aman. Jasa Sedot tinja dikerjakan oleh operator khusus sedot wc dengan bantuan pompa vacuum yang selanjutnya diangkut dengan truk tanki tinja untuk dibuang ditem…
Lihat penawaran Diterbitkan: 18 Maret 2023, 21.27Daftar Harga / Menu
Septic Service and pumping
- Pumping (30min)
Clean drainase
- Cleaning (50min)
Sedot WC Jogja Teknika Biodata Perusahaan
Informasi umum
for households, offices, housing, hotels, shops, factories and other properties. Serving the Bantul, Sleman, Kulonprogo, Wonosari, Yogyakarta and surrounding areas, it is carried out by trained and experienced professional staff. Sidot WC Jogja is the best choice for clogged toilet problems at your place. It is important to choose a company that is reliable, consistent and that has the experience and equipment to do a thorough cleaning of your septic tank. All of the options listed here provide cleaning of residential, business and other facility septic tanks
13 Jetis, Bantul
- Jam buka
Senin:8:00 - 16:00Selasa:8:00 - 16:00Rabu:8:00 - 16:00Kamis:8:00 - 16:00Jumat:8:00 - 16:00Sabtu:8:00 - 16:00Minggu:8:00 - 16:00
- Buka info
- 24
- Situs web
- Akun Sosial
- Tahun pendirian
- 2006
- Formulir kegiatan
- Bentuk hukum
- Lepas
- Kategori
- jasa pembersih septitank peralatan dan layanan penyedotan
Sedot WC Jogja Teknika Ulasan & Peringkat
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